I finished season six of Elementary last night actually.

I watch one episode per night while eating my tea of whichever is in current rotation. Having food that represents different cultures is a really fun experience in The Sims 4 so it isn’t just your sims eating mac and cheese and grilled cheese sandwiches.At the moment I’m rotating between Elementary, The Sopranos, The Crown, and 15 Storeys High. The different options we have for cake in The Sims 4 can get very repetitive and having custom food options for cakes is so much fun because you can choose cakes that are going to better represent a sims personality. It plates gorgeously with a piece of meatloaf, a few carrots, some (what I assume are) potatoes and a few green beans and looks so delicious. Chickpea meatloaf is something that you’ll want to make for a family of vegetarians as a fancy meal to enjoy. This next item is something that we’ve probably all eaten at a restaurant as an appetizer or just as a fun indulgent item to make for dinner. These are an adorable festive treat that will make you extremely happy and just look adorable. Throwing a spooky day party isn’t complete unless you have a plate of candy apples ready to consume. You can create a blueberry cheesecake for §45 and there’s even an option to download a custom harvestable blueberry so you can grow your own ingredients. That blueberry cheesecake looks absolutely scrumptious and if I was a sim, I’d be baking that and those muffins every weekend. These berry pies come in both blueberry and raspberry and look absolutely delicious as a full plate or a single serving. If you are throwing a Harvestfest party for your sim’s family, you’ll definitely want this custom food to create for dessert. These BBQ chicken sliders look absolutely delicious and when played even come with a small serving of french fries as a little side dish. Any time I’m at a restaurant some form of slides are high up on my choices for what to eat. This dish features beautiful fluffy pancakes with banana slices on top that honestly just look absolutely delicious. We could all use a bit more banana pancakes in our lives.

Although we do have the option to cook macaroni and cheese in The Sims 4, we don’t have a baked mac and cheese and any mac and cheese lovers out there knows that these are two different meals. There is absolutely nothing better than a delicious warm bowl of macaroni and cheese on a cool fall day.